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Legal Translation

First of all, legal translation means a specialized translation of the documents which regulate legal relationships. A specific character of such translations is that any error /mistake in or inaccuracy of translation can result in severe legal effects. That is why legal translations are made by the Company’s specialists, who have a great experience and are skilful in such a work performed by them in a strict compliance with the international standards and best practices in this area of translations.

Our clients may rest assured that translations will be made accurately and in full accordance with the legislation.

Written translation of legal documents (legal translation) has a number of aspects which should be taken into account when performing the work with such documents, including, first of all, the necessity to conform with the standard form of and set phrases in a translated document. Many legal terms are defined and construed uniquely, and therefore they require standard forms of translation into foreign languages. This should be taken into consideration, when making translation of both personal and financial documents. When entrusting the translation of financial documents to a firm of translators, you should remember that fate of considerable cash resources depends upon accuracy of translators’ words and expressions and compliance thereof with law.

Institutions and organizations of the financial sector are often required to submit their portfolios to foreign clients or investors. Therefore, it is very important for business representatives, investors, clients and suppliers that all the financial data is correctly translated down to the smallest detail.

The INSEL’s Policy is based and rests upon the principles that translation of legal documents shall only be made by high-class and skillful translators having Diplomas of further education in law, with obligatory texts editing by a practicing professional lawyer.
