Наши партнеры
The cost of the translation/ interpreting services provided by INSEL to its customers and clients:

Please note that the price is given for one standard page, i.e. 1,800 printed characters of the original text without spaces. All prices are given in KZT and include 12% VAT. The price includes printout of one copy of the text and sending it to the Customer’s e-mail; the translation (consisting of 10 or more pages) can be recorded on a CD, if necessary. 


From/to Price, VAT included
English 3,000
Russian to Kazakh 2,000 (to Kazakh)
Kazakh to Russian 2,500 (from Kazakh)
Russian to Kazakh (Latin characters) (in Latin characters)

CIS state languages
Uzbek 7,000
Turkmen 7,000
Tajik 7,000
Armenian 7,000
Azerbaijani 7,000
Georgian 7,000
Kyrgyz 7,000
Bashkir 9,000
Tatar 9,000
Belarusian 7,000
Ukrainian 7,000

European languages
German 3,000
French 3,000
Spanish 7,000
Italian 7,000
Portuguese 7,000
Polish 7,000
Czech 7,000

Other languages
Bulgarian 7,000
Latvian 7,000
Lithuanian 7,000
Estonian 7,000
Romanian 7,000
Moldovan 7,000
Serbian 7,000
Slovak 7,000
Slovenian 7,000
Croatian 7,000
Norwegian 7,000
Swedish 7,000
Danish 7,000
Finnish 10,000
Bosnian 7,000
Hungarian 7,000
Dutch 7,000
Flemish 7,000
Greek 10,000
Latin 16,000
Arabic 7,000
Chinese 7,000
Turkish 7,000
Vietnamese 10,000
Korean 10,000
Japanese 10,000
Hebrew 10,000
Mongolian 9,000
Afrikaans 12,000
Dari 12,000
Pashto 12,000
Tagalog 12,000
Urdu 12,000
Thai 12,000
Indonesian 12,000
Farsi (Persian) 9,000

Notarized translation of private documents

From/to  Price for one document, VAT included 
Kazakh to Russian 2,000 KZT
English to Russian, Russian to English        
German to Russian, Russian to German
French to Russian, Russian to French  
3,000 KZT
3,000 KZT
3,000 KZT

Translation for publications
(High-quality translation for publications, including proofreading by a native speaker)

Price for 1 page, VAT included 
English to Russian and Russian to English      5,000 KZT 
Kazakh to Russian and Russian to Kazakh    4,000 KZT 
European and CIS languages  Double price 


Type of service 
 Price in KZT, VAT included 
Notarized translation (for 1 document)      2,500 KZT 
Notarized copies (for 1 page)    from 740 KZT  for one page of a legal document 
from 370 KZT  for one page of an actual document


Type of service  Price in KZT, VAT included 
Simultaneous interpretation (hour)  From 40,000 KZT per hour 
Consecutive interpretation  From 20,000 KZT per hour 


Type of service 
Price in KZT, VAT included 
Proofreading a translated text (if translated by third-party translators)   Price is charged on an hourly basis; to be determined depending on the language 
Editing a translated text  Price is charged on an hourly basis; to be determined depending on the language 
Editing and proofreading by a native speaker  Price is charged on an hourly basis; to be determined depending on the language 


Additional services

Type of service 
Price in KZT, VAT included 
Keeping identical text layout  
Free of charge 
Free of charge
Free of charge


Legal services

The price to be agreed

Translation is notarized free of charge for the clients, if the original document was presented by the client for translation (at the time of translation). 

If a document (to be attached to the translation) has been executed as required by the notarial system (an original document, signed and sealed, or a notarized copy; foreign documents should be apostilled according to the Hague Convention, or legalized), then such translation can be notarized. If a document does not meet the requirements of the notarial system, we attach the document to the translation and affix the company’s seal. This is a free-of-charge service. 

Our company does not charge a double price or a rush price, however, meets the client’s deadline, as agreed 

We offer discounts to loyal customers!
